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  • Molecular Sieve ProofUp™ Beads 3A

Molecular Sieve ProofUp™ Beads 3A




Perfect for dehydrating water-laden ethanol after extractions.


Purpose: ProofUp™ 3A Beads are used as a stationary bed in liquid volumes or streams to selectively sequester water without expanding or adsorbing any larger compounds or solvent molecules. The active sites are functionally polar, strongly attracting water and immobilizing it within the zeolite’s lattice structure.

Composition: Molecular Sieve ProofUp™ Beads 3A are compressed and thermally hardened spherical pellets (2.5-5mm) of Type A zeolite with potassium cations (K+) and a buffered alkaline pH of 10.5. Only the smallest molecules can enter the crystalline lattice through openings of ≈ 3 angstroms (Å), accessing a network of ionically polarized adsorption sites.

Particle Size & pH: Molecular Sieve ProofUp™ Beads 3A has a particle size of 2.5mm-5mm and a basic pH of 10.5.


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32 oz (500g), Pouch (2kg), 3.5 Gal (10kg), 7 Gal (20kg), 55 Gal (149.5kg)

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