Molecular Sieve Beads 10A




Ideal for adsorption of larger molecular impurities.


Purpose: Our Molecular Sieve Beads 10A are used as static beds in gas and liquid process streams to selectively sequester impurities smaller than 1 nanometer (10Å = 1nm). The beads’ active sites are functionally polar in character which attracts entrained molecules by their dipole moments, capturing the most polarized within the aluminosilicate structure.

Composition: Featuring a size range of 1.7–2.4mm in diameter, Molecular Sieve Beads 10A are compressed and thermally hardened spherical pellets of Type 13X zeolite with sodium cations and a buffered alkaline pH of 10.3. Molecules enter the crystalline lattice through pores measuring 10 angstroms (Å), accessing a vast internal network of ionically polarized adsorption sites.

Particle Size & pH: Molecular Sieve Beads 10A has a particle size of 1.7mm-2.4mm and a basic pH of 10.3.


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Weight N/A

32 oz (500g), Pouch (2kg), 3.5 Gal (9kg), 7 Gal (18kg), 55 Gal (139.5kg)

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